Why does Chrome keep closing?

Google Chrome might close unexpectedly due to reasons such as conflicts with other software, full memory cache and cookies, incorrect date and time, problematic extensions, an outdated version of Chrome, corrupted cache files, too many open tabs, or many apps running in the background.

Google Chrome might close unexpectedly due to several reasons:

  1. Conflict with other software: Sometimes, other software installed on your device might interfere with Chrome, causing it to close.
  2. Full memory cache and cookies: If Chrome’s cache and cookies are full, it might cause the browser to close.
  3. Incorrect date and time: If your device’s date and time are incorrect, it might cause a privacy error, leading to Chrome closing.
  4. Problematic Chrome extensions: Some extensions might be outdated, corrupt, or filled with bugs, causing Chrome to close.
  5. Outdated version of Chrome: If your Chrome browser is not updated to the latest version, it might close unexpectedly.
  6. Corrupted cache files: Corrupted cache files might cause Chrome to crash.
  7. Too many open tabs: Having too many tabs open at once can consume a lot of system memory, causing Chrome to close.
  8. Many apps running in the background: If many apps are running in the background, it might cause Chrome to close due to low RAM on your PC.
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